My 2011.

As we’re continuing to prepare the annual New Years Day Feast at the Kagi household, I have to say that 2011 was a bitter sweet year for me. It was a year that marked a significant milestone, and a drastic change from my previous lifestyle in the Marine Corps, which engulfed the past four years of my life.

Rather than write an entire essay, talking about the highlights of this year, I think it’s better to just compose a simple list of some of the fondest moments of this year.

  • Started college and should be on my path to graduating by 2013.
  • Paid off my credit card debt (~$7K). Now I’m living debt-free (minus Cassandra).
  • Saved enough money for my trip to Japan in 2012.
  • Ran the Bridge to Brews.
  • Made some new friends.
  • Spent a great amount of quality time with people that I love.
  • Finished landscaping the front and backyards of the house.
  • Began studying and speaking Japanese regularly, again.
  • Donated to Toys for Tots
  • Contributed to Secret Santa. ;]
  • Celebrated and contributed to birthdays, and spent holiday time with loved ones.
  • Bought a new camera.
  • Photographed two weddings.
  • Currently training for at least a half marathon, next year.

Although most of these things don’t seem that extreme or important to the next person, I have to say that I feel proud of these accomplishments. School has definitely been my primary focus this year, but I have to say that I’ve had no regrets.

I have everything that I could possibly need. There’s barely anything that I want, and almost daily, I’m surrounded by the people I care about.

Last year, I refused to make any resolutions, and I have to say there really is no need to make a resolution, so long as you already have goals set and in-mind, with what you want to achieve in life, your career, relationships, etc… All other ‘resolutions’ would just be temporary, and I don’t consider myself a transient by those means.

I think the best way to really describe myself as a person, and in how I contribute to making my goals a reality is that I make my own luck. :]

“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson

May the year two-thousand and twelve be prosperous to us all. ;]